Beware of These Marketing Mistakes When It Comes To Your TMD Services

Besides all the fun of dressing up and eating lots of candy, Halloween can bring out our deepest fears. Ghosts hiding in closets, werewolves roaming the woods and creepy clowns lurking around the corner can keep you up at night. As dental marketers, though, we find practices making marketing mistakes with their TMD services the scariest of all. There are many patients out there suffering from TMD related symptoms. Make it easy for them to find you. Here are three ways you can do so.

TMJ & Sleep Issues: Everyone’s Talking About Them

Did you catch the Jimmy Fallon Tonight Show episode with Dakato Johnson? They discussed how she had been suffering from neck pain as a result of TMJ and how her dentist helped alleviate the problem. That’s 2.5 million viewers learning about TMJ symptoms and a portion of those viewers are surely identifying with the pain. How many of those folks went looking for a dentist the next morning to help them with their TMJ issues? We’re guessing a few did.