Did you catch the Jimmy Fallon Tonight Show episode with Dakato Johnson? They discussed how she had been suffering from neck pain as a result of TMJ and how her dentist helped alleviate the problem. That’s 2.5 million viewers learning about TMJ symptoms and a portion of those viewers are surely identifying with the pain. How many of those folks went looking for a dentist the next morning to help them with their TMJ issues? We’re guessing a few did.
With more than 10 million Americans suffering from TMJ and 22 million Americans dealing with sleep issues, it’s no wonder these health problems are getting attention. Whether it’s on TV or in the neighborhood, people are talking about their symptoms and pain. What does that mean for your practice? You should be listening. More awareness of the issues in the community means more business for your TMJ and Sleep practice.
How do you leverage the chatter? Keep an eye out in popular media for mentions of TMJ, snoring, and sleep apnea. Whether it’s in TV shows, the news or social media you can link these headlines to a blog post, video, social media post or email. Citing another source discussing TMJ or sleep issues only helps you in the marketing department. Show patients that these are widespread problems and you have the solution for it.
Some of this greater awareness also has to do with an increase in TMJ and sleep treatment options that are more mainstream. For example, Botox, well known for reducing wrinkles, is being used by practices to treat TMJ symptoms. If you use Botox in your practice, feature this power-house brand in your marketing to draw more attention to your services.
It’s not just listening but speaking that will also help build your TMJ and sleep practice. Meet with health professionals in your area who might have patients suffering from TMJ and sleep issues. Health coaches or gyms could be referral partners as they often treat people with weight issues that result in snoring or sleep apnea.
You never know when you might hear someone talking about jaw pain or that they can’t sleep because of their partner’s snoring. These are all opportunities for you to approach them with a solution and help spread the word about your TMJ and sleep practice.