While this time of year is filled with fun and celebration, it can also be a stressful time for many. People who suffer from TMD and sleep apnea may find their symptoms made worse as a result of the tension and pressure the holidays can create. Instead of slowing down on your marketing with the thought that people are too busy to notice, it’s actually a prime time to capitalize on TMD and sleep apnea symptoms. The key is to market your practice as the solution to their problems and build overall awareness of sleep apnea and TMD disorders.
Use All Your Marketing Channels
During the holidays, online use is high as people search and purchase gifts online, look for discounts in their in-box, and post photos of social gatherings on Facebook. Use this time of high internet traffic to your advantage and spread awareness of sleep apnea and TMD symptoms on all your marketing channels.
There is always a need to educate the public on sleep apnea and TMD as many people who suffer from these disorders go undiagnosed. Use your blog, social media and email to tell people about common symptoms and how they could possibly be a sign of sleep apnea or TMD. Make sure to also inform sufferers that treatment is available and your practice is the one that can provide them relief. While some might think their symptoms will go away, stating the health problems that may occur from ignoring loud snoring, sleepless nights and jaw pain is a way to get the attention of these patients.
Also, tie in the upcoming New Year as a good time to address health issues; January is when many people are motivated to make a change or improvement in their life. Use Facebook ads to offer promotions or informational events, send them to a landing page and make sure to capture their email so you can retarget them when the holidays are over.
Keeping up a consistent marketing effort during the holidays can put you at an advantage going into the New Year. What’s more, you’ll be helping sleep apnea and TMD sufferers enjoy a happier and healthier life. Now that’s a holiday gift everyone can use.